script pt 2 unfinished
INT. BEDROOM is dark
and gloom, empty bottles of alcohol scattered across the room and around BED.
Small amount of SUNLIGHT can be seen peaking through gaps in curtain.
Blonde MALE character
wakes up, stress expressed on his face, hangover clearly taking effect. Slowly LIFTS
his head and quietly MOANS as he SITS UP.
around his BEDROOM sees a large mess; the look of DISGUST can be seen on his
face on his face.
character Stands up and Stumbles towards the window and DRAWS the curtain. SUNLIGHT GLARES on his face, BEDROOM more BRIGHTLY lit.
MALE SQUINTS EYS in the SUNLIGHT and TURNS away from the window and slowly WALKS out of the BEDROOM.
MALE SQUINTS EYS in the SUNLIGHT and TURNS away from the window and slowly WALKS out of the BEDROOM.
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